About Us

Fernhurst Pre-school provides OUTSTANDING quality, affordable and stimulating childcare for children age 2.5 to 5, in a safe and supportive environment, working in partnership with parents.
We run Monday to Friday morning, afternoon and all day sessions between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm during school terms providing opportunities for exploration, discovery and learning. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and are registered with OFSTED. The Pre-school offers a wide range of activities and experiences both adult-led and self-chosen inside and outdoors.
In 2010 we were very pleased to move to purpose-built accommodation based within Fernhurst Primary School. It provides us with a bright, cheerful and well equipped space, including computers and an interactrive whiteboard for the children to use. We also have a secure garden and a covered outdoor area allowing us to offer 'free-flow' play with an open door policy whereby children can choose to go outdoors for supervised play.
With prior arrangement, we can also use the primary school's hall, adventure playground and field allowing further opportunities for extended and energetic outdoor play and exploration. On a Tuesday, we also dine in the hall with the primary school children. Being located on the Primary School site not only means we can share some of their facilities, but we can also work closely with staff, particularly the reception teacher. All this ensures a smooth transition for pre-school children moving on to the next stage in their education.
Our Activities and Your Child's Development
Fernhurst Pre-school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum, 'Development Matters' and 'Birth to 5'. This is the first stage of the National Curriculum focusing on the distinct needs of children from birth to the end of the reception year at primary school.
Learning through Play
Play helps young children to learn and develop through doing and talking, which research has shown to be the means by which they learn to think. Our setting uses the practice guidance of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the principles of which are:
a unique child
positive relationships
enabling environments
learning and development
Using the EYFS framework, we plan and provide a range of play activities, some child-led and some adult-led, which help children to make progress in each of the seven areas of Learning and Development. Together, these seven areas make up the skills, knowledge and experiences appropriate for children as they grow, learn and develop. (See Prospectus for details).