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We aim to provide opportunities for equality and diversity. We consider each child an individual and take into account any special educational needs they may have. We strive to make each child feel like a valued member of the community, irrespective of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or disability. We help them to respect and value others and encourage them to develop a positive self-image. If a child’s needs cannot be met without the support of a one-to-one worker, we will attempt to seek funding to provide one.


British Values

There are 4 fundamental British Values which we at Fernhurst pre-school ensure we include across our curriculum.

Promoting Democracy - by supporting the children's personal, social and emotional development we give them opportunities to develop their self confidence and self awareness , to make choices and decisions about what they want to explore and how to use the resources available.  They learn to negotiate and build confidence amongst their peers to believe in what they are doing.

Rule of Law - again by supporting their personal, social and emotional development (PSED) they learn to manage their feelings and behaviours, learn right from wrong and behaving in defined barriers.

Indvidual Liberty - Using PSED and their understanding of the world we embed their self confidence and self awareness and people and communities. We help them to promote a positive sense of themselves. using books and role play children learn to explore feelings and responsibilities and learn to respect their differences and others opinions.

Mutual respect and Tolerance - we learn to treat others how we want to be treated. To be part of a community and to manage our feelings. We have an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance within our setting.


For more information please refer to our policies page.


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