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Lunch & Snack Time


We offer a Lunch session Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to all children who wish to participate. On Tuesdays we offer an extended lunchtime session from 12noon to 13:00pm linking the morning and afternoon sessions, for the children in the year group starting school the following September.


We promote a healthy eating policy; therefore, fresh fruit and vegetables are encouraged and fizzy drinks and sweets are discouraged. Please put an ice-pack in your child’s lunchbox on warm days. We also have a no nut policy due to allergies.


During Pre-school sessions we offer the children a drink of milk and pieces of raw fruit and vegetable. Water is available at all times for the children to help themselves to a drink.  We ensure that children with allergies are made aware to all staff and procedures are followed.



We are also part of the Fareshare scheme and we are given food on a regular basis by our local Waitrose to distribute to families in need.  We regularly deliver food parcels to our families that are in need of extra support as well as being able to offer the surplus products to the children during the day and their families.  More information regarding the foreshore scheme can be found here.


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