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Fernhurst Pre-school is a charitable non-profit organisation managed by an elected committee of volunteers, including a chair, secretary and treasurer. The Committee are the Ofsted 'Registered Person' which means that the Committee is collectively responsible for the financial and organisational management of Fernhurst Pre-school, although the staff have day-to-day operational control.


Once your child starts at Pre-school, you as a parent/carer become a member of the Pre-school and it is very important to the group and all the children, that all our parents/carers volunteer to help in some way be it by joining the Committee or helping with fundraising events, during some of their children's attendance at Pre-school.


A Parent Forum meeting is held every term and in the Autumn, this includes the group's Annual General Meeting at which the Committee for the following year is elected. These meetings are informal in nature and provide parents/carers, staff and the Committee with an opportunity to meet and hear about what's going on at Pre-school both from the staff and Committee. Parents and carers are also given the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions. Parents and carers are informed in good time so they are able to attend and will subsequently receive a newsletter to keep them informed of the events and activities planned.

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